First void urine & HPV genotyping - Two essential tools to monitor the impact of HPV vaccination programs.
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The enormous potential of a first void – or initial stream – urine sample becomes evident when we understand it’s composition. In fact, in the case of women a first void urine sample could also be called “A genital sample collected by urination”. Prof Alex Vorsters presents his understanding in this field leading to the development of the Colli-Pee® urine collection device. Data is presented, confirming that improved collection of a first void urine sample as well as its immediate preservation have a major impact on HPV DNA detection. Further to that, the results from a large HPV vaccination follow-up study are discussed. For monitoring HPV vaccination trials, the use of a sensitive and full individual genotyping assay such as the INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping Extra II, provides important information on the impact of the vaccination program.
Topics covered:
- Data confirming that improved collection of a first void urine sample as well as its immediate preservation have a major impact on HPV DNA detection
- Results from large HPV vaccination follow-up study
- Important information on the impact of the vaccination program, provided by the use of a sensitive and full individual genotyping assay such as the INNO-LiPA HPV genotyping Extra II.