Urine the golden sample for HPV-related research? Highlights from the virtual IPVC conference 2021
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Novosanis participated in the virtual IPVC conference (from November 15 to 19, 2021), which focused on Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-related topics, particularly Human Papillomavirus (HPV) elimination.
The event and the sessions were a great way to stay up to date with the latest scientific developments in the field. The conference had several sessions focused on urine as a sample type for HPV-related research.
Novosanis manufactures the Colli-Pee®* device which can be used to collect first-void urine samples for HPV detection. First-void (first-catch) urine has been shown to contain higher concentrations of HPV DNA compared to other urine fractions. Colli-Pee® allows for standardized and volumetric at-home collection and stabilization of first-void urine. The device architecture enables immediate mixing of the sample with a urine preservative, improving stability of the sample and its analytes, including HPV.
We tuned into several sessions presented by researchers and key opinion leaders that focused on urine and HPV.
Below are some of our takeaway messages:
Urine for HPV screening for cervical cancer
Given the challenges women face with a Pap smear, there’s a clear need to improve cervical cancer screening participation. Self-sampling devices have been recommended, which offer better acceptance. One method of self-sampling is collection of urine. Women have shown a significantly higher preference to urine as a sample type for hrHPV testing in comparison to brush-based cervical-vaginal self-sampling methods. This is due to the ease-of urine sampling and the confidence of performing the test correctly.
Urine as sample type to monitor HPV vaccination impact
The benefits of HPV vaccination for women in cervical cancer prevention is well-researched. Data collected from Rwanda and Bhutan to monitor the impact of HPV vaccination show that Colli-Pee® collected first-void urine is a well-accepted sample type. This approach can be adapted to a wide range of settings and populations to assess the early impact of HPV vaccination as well as monitor vaccine impact overtime.
Urine for molecular-based triage studies on hrHPV-positive women to detect cervical cancer
As not all HPV infections lead to cervical cancer, it is important to identify and follow-up only those HPV positive women with clinically relevant infections to avoid overreferral and overtreatment. Molecular-based triage methods on HPV positive women using self-collected urine samples can help distinguish clinically relevant infections.
Novosanis presented two posters on urine and HPV, which further highlighted our work in the field:
- Home-based self-sampling of first-void urine as a valuable and accessible HPV screening method during and after the COVID-19 pandemic (Nette Meers et al.)
- Usability evaluation of Colli-Pee Small Volumes for HPV-based cervical cancer screening (CASUS) (Vanessa Vankerckhoven et al.)
In summary, the IPVC conference highlighted the potential of urine as a sample type for HPV detection and vaccination follow-up. We learned about the ongoing work in the field and are excited to contribute with our Colli-Pee® device.
*Colli-Pee® is available neat and prefilled with the stabilizer UCM, allowing the preservation of DNA in urine, some variants are CE-IVD marked, and registered in several countries outside of Europe.