Development of a cervical cancer screening approach based on first-void urine: verification of standardized and volumetric collection. (IPVC 2020)

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Laeremans et al, IPVC 2020 (Poster) 

Aim: To verify standardized and volumetric collection with Colli-Pee® Small Volumes 

Partners: Novosanis 

Results:  Previous evaluations already showed higher variability in collected volume with urine cups compared to Colli-Pee® 20 mL and 10 mL. This analysis found an accurate volumetric collection with Colli-Pee® Small Volumes i.e. Colli-Pee® 10 mL and 4 mL in home-based and lab settings. The average collected volumes for Colli-Pee® 10 mL and 4 mL respectively ranged from 9.8 to 11.3 mL, and from 4.0 to 4.2 mL. The collected volumes slightly changed with gender and self-reported flowrate.