Preliminary evaluation of the High+Low PapillomaStrip assay with Colli-Pee® collected UCM preserved urine (EUROGIN 2018)

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Vorsters et al, Eurogin Lisbon, 2018 (Posters)

Aim: Is the Papilloma Strip assay compatible with self-collected UCM preserved first-void urine samples

Partners: University of Antwerp (Belgium), IWT, Operon

Results: Preliminary results confirm that the High + Low Papilloma Strip test is compatible with self-collected UCM preserved first-void urine. Furthermore, a strong agreement was observed of detected genotypes comparing the high risk  HPV results by the Riatol qPCR and the Papilloma Strip assay - a kappa coefficient of 0.82 (CI 95%: 0.64–1) was observed.