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Aim: Use of self-sampling devices for detection of HPV

Partners: IPH Belgium, University of Antwerp, Abbott, Roche, BD, Cepheid, Seegene, Fujirebio, Novosanis

Study design:

A total of 500 women, referral population will be included through colposcopy clinics in Belgium (Tienen, Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp). Women will be asked to collect different self-samplers, including Evalyn® brush or Qvintip (50-50), Colli-Pee® FV-5000 series (UCM preservative), and FLOQSwab™. Additionally a clinician-based sample will be taken.

Assays: COBAS4800 & 6800 (Roche) & Anyplex (Seegene) & Innolipa (Fujirebio) & Onclarity (BD)µ

Status: Inclusions ongoing

Self-samples and clinician-based samples will be analyzed for the presence of HPV.