Impact of Collection Volume and DNA Extraction Method on the Detection of Biomarkers and HPV DNA in First-Void Urine
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Téblick et al., 2021
Aim: To investigate whether different first-void urine volumes (4, 10 and 20mL) affects the analytical detection of human and viral endpoints and to evaluate different HPV DNA extraction protocols.
Affiliations: University Hospital Antwerp (UZA), University of Antwerp, Novosanis NV, Self-Screen B.V, 1098 RX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, UMC, Pathology, Cancer Center Amsterdam
Summary: A good agreement between the three different first-void urine collection volumes was found for all human endpoints. The authors concluded a preference for the Colli-Pee® device allowing a 10 mL first-void urine collection volume because it facilitates high-throughput screening. In addition, Téblick et. al., report a clear HPV DNA extraction protocol taking into account financial costs and laboratory labor intensiveness.